Winter In Puerto Rico

This was the temperature this morning at my home in Puerto Rico. Isn't it great? Clic on the image to see it larger.

This was the tem­per­a­ture this morn­ing at my home in Puer­to Rico. Isn’t it great? Clic on the image to see it larger.

It’s win­ter in Puer­to Rico and it’s get­ting cold.  Sev­en­ty some­thing, that is.  But rather than just tell you about the com­fort­able “air-con­di­tion­er-like” cli­mate that the Island enjoys dur­ing this time of the year, I thought I might show you.

The image that’s on the right is a pho­to of the old Sun­beam ther­mome­ter that I have in my back porch.  It’s nev­er been below 65°. Never!

And I don’t show you this image to rub it in, but to invite you over.  Win­ter is the per­fect time of year to vis­it Puer­to Rico.  There’s an air of Christ­mas.  Peo­ple are hap­pi­er, the skies are bluer and the beach­es… well, let’s just say that you can lay back and relax on the sand in the mid­dle of Jan­u­ary.  Isn’t it great?

And if you stay at one of the Island’s many “paradores” (small­er fam­i­ly-run hotels) you might even have the beach all to yourself.

Back in Octo­ber I pub­lished a post titled “Puer­to Rico’s Blue Flag Beach­es, Part 1”  in which I spoke about four of the Island’s sev­en Blue Flag Beach­es.  But those were just the beach­es that car­ry the “Blue Flag” des­ig­na­tion.  Puer­to Rico has great beach­es every­where.  And best of all, they’re all free.

So I thought I’d show you some pret­ty pic­tures just so you’ll see what you’re missing.

And if you pre­fer to par­ty, par­ty, par­ty… instead of lay­ing all day at the beach, in lit­tle under a month we’ll be cel­e­brat­ing the “San Sebas­t­ian Street Fies­tas” (Las Fies­tas de la Calle San Sebastián) where close to half a mil­lion peo­ple gath­er in a lit­tle street in Old San Juan, that’s under a mile long, to dance, eat, drink and enjoy all sorts of pop­u­lar art until the wee hours.  It’s the world’s largest fes­ti­val tak­ing place in the month of Jan­u­ary (more about “la Sanse’” in a future post).

San Sebastian Street Fiestas

San Sebas­t­ian Street Fiestas

I know that win­ter start­ed pret­ty harsh on the main­land.  It’s all over the news!  And accord­ing to most experts it’s going to get even worse.  So why not take a cou­ple of weeks off and spend some qual­i­ty time in sun­ny Puer­to Rico?  Just imag­ine that blue Caribbean water, and the warm white sand, flow­ing between your toes while you take in one of our stun­ning Island sun­sets and sip on a cool refresh­ing bev­er­age.  Now that’s what I call win­ter in paradise!

So don’t wait anoth­er minute.  Make that reser­va­tion right now!

Mer­ry Christmas!

©2013,Orlando Mer­gal, MA

Bilin­gual Con­tent Cre­ator, Blog­ger, Pod­cast­er,
Author, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er and New Media Expert
Tel. 787–750-0000, Mobile 787–306-1590


Orlando Mergal buys all his photo equipment at B&H

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