The Puerto Rico Heineken Jazzfest 2016 In Pictures

It all end­ed last night. The 26th edi­tion of the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest came to a close yes­ter­day evening with three excit­ing acts and the “doc­tori­fi­ca­tion” of one of Puer­to Rico’s most pro­lif­ic artists doc­tor Ray San­tos. Ray San­tos is bet­ter known for his arrange­ments for music greats like Mario Bauzá, Machi­to, Tito Rodríguez and Tito Puente, but he is also Con­tin­ue reading…

12 Shows, 4 Days And A Whole Lotta Jazz!!!

The 26th edi­tion of the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zFest will take place from Thurs­day, March 17 to Sun­day, March 20, at the Tito Puente Amphithe­ater in San Juan. This year, the fes­ti­val will have a var­ied musi­cal offer­ing, includ­ing the intro­duc­tion of HEINEKEN THE LAB, an exper­i­men­tal pro­pos­al that will com­bine jazz with oth­er musi­cal gen­res on the first night (Thurs­day). Con­tin­ue reading…

Ray Santos To Be Honored At PR Heineken Jazzfest 2016

Jazz is in the air in sun­ny Puer­to Rico! Why? Because the 26th edi­tion of the Puer­to Rico Heineken Jaz­zfest is just six weeks away at the Tito Puente Amphithe­ater in San Juan. When? From March 17 thru the 20th. Accord­ing to Luis Álvarez, Vice Pres­i­dent of the Liquors Divi­sion at Mén­dez & Co., the orga­ni­za­tion spon­sor­ing and orga­niz­ing the Con­tin­ue reading…