Barranquitas, Where Beauty and History Come Together 

This week my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Bar­ran­quitas, Puer­to Rico. It’s a small town that sits almost at the geo­graph­i­cal cen­ter of the main Island of Puer­to Rico. As you will recall from sev­er­al of my pre­vi­ous posts, Puer­to Rico is a group of islands but it’s not an arch­i­pel­ago. How can that be pos­si­ble? Aren’t they both Con­tin­ue reading…

Aibonito, Puerto Rico’s Garden in the Mountains

This week my wife and I vis­it­ed the beau­ti­ful town of Aiboni­to, Puer­to Rico. We got to leave the noisy, stress­ful real­i­ty of urban liv­ing in the San Juan Metro­plex to enjoy the peace­ful beau­ty of Puer­to Rico’s coun­try­side; if only for a few hours. We arrived in Aiboni­to, a lit­tle over 8:30, on the morn­ing of Feb­ru­ary 26. It was Con­tin­ue reading…

Salinas, Puerto Rico | Fine Cuisine, Lots of History and Great People 

Last Mon­day, Feb­ru­ary 12, my wife Zory and I vis­it­ed the town of Sali­nas, on the south­ern coast of Puer­to Rico to pro­duce this post and a 13 minute video. It was pour­ing cats and dogs when we left our home in San Juan. But by the time we got to Sali­nas we had a clear blue sky and and Con­tin­ue reading…

Guayama, it could be so much more! 

Puer­to Rico is a great place to write a trav­el blog. And if you’re cov­er­ing the town of Guaya­ma, it’s even bet­ter. Or is it? Last year was a great year at Puer­to Rico By GPS. After being sort of dor­mant for a very long time, we decid­ed to “take the bull by the horns” and embark in a 3‑year project Con­tin­ue reading…

Arroyo, Puerto Rico | What It Is And What It’s Not 

The oth­er day my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Arroyo, Puer­to Rico. It’s a lit­tle town on the south­ern coast of the Island that was one of those that took the brunt of hur­ri­cane María six years ago. Like many oth­er towns in Puer­to Rico the destruc­tion caused by hur­ri­cane María is there for all to see. The destroyed Con­tin­ue reading…

Patillas Puerto Rico: Green, Rocky & Cool 

Last week my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Patil­las, on the south­east­ern coast of Puer­to Rico. It’s one of those small and sleepy towns that are best vis­it­ed in com­bi­na­tion with adja­cent munic­i­pal­i­ties. How­ev­er, we did dis­cov­er some gems that make this town unique and well worth the vis­it. I must admit that the words Green, Rocky & Cool Con­tin­ue reading…

Yabucoa 6 Years After Hurricane María 

It was the morn­ing of Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023. My wife Zory and I explored the lit­tle town of Yabu­coa, Puer­to Rico as part of or “5 Must-See Places” series on YouTube. It was sur­pris­ing to see how far this town has come from the dev­as­tat­ing events of Sep­tem­ber 20, 2017. Just 6 years ear­li­er Yabu­coa was the epi­cen­ter of one of Con­tin­ue reading…

Las Piedras, Puerto Rico | You’ll Be Surprised!

I have a sen­ti­men­tal con­nec­tion with Las Piedras. After all, I sold my first insur­ance pol­i­cy there. I was a young man, start­ing off as a “sales­man” with Com­bined Insur­ance Com­pa­ny. I hadn’t sold any­thing in my life, so the expe­ri­ence was ter­ri­fy­ing. After stum­bling through a canned pre­sen­ta­tion, I final­ly sold my first insur­ance pol­i­cy to an old man Con­tin­ue reading…

Río Grande: Much More Than We Bargained For! 

Today we are going to talk about Río Grande. Río Grande Puer­to Rico, that is. But before we do, let me tell you why this arti­cle is late. August has been a com­pli­cat­ed month for me. I start­ed by vis­it­ing my son on the main­land to cel­e­brate the third birth­day of my youngest grand­son. Lit­tle did I know that I had Con­tin­ue reading…

There Was Something Off About Toa Baja

It was 11:00am on the morn­ing of July 20, 2023. My wife Zory and I were stand­ing in the mid­dle of Vir­gilio Dávi­la Square in the lit­tle town of Toa Baja, Puer­to Rico. There was some­thing off about the place and at first I couldn’t put my fin­ger on it. Then it hit me! Every­thing was reversed. The church was Con­tin­ue reading…