Arroyo, Puerto Rico | What It Is And What It’s Not 

The oth­er day my wife and I vis­it­ed the town of Arroyo, Puer­to Rico. It’s a lit­tle town on the south­ern coast of the Island that was one of those that took the brunt of hur­ri­cane María six years ago. Like many oth­er towns in Puer­to Rico the destruc­tion caused by hur­ri­cane María is there for all to see. The destroyed Con­tin­ue reading…

Río Grande: Much More Than We Bargained For! 

Today we are going to talk about Río Grande. Río Grande Puer­to Rico, that is. But before we do, let me tell you why this arti­cle is late. August has been a com­pli­cat­ed month for me. I start­ed by vis­it­ing my son on the main­land to cel­e­brate the third birth­day of my youngest grand­son. Lit­tle did I know that I had Con­tin­ue reading…